Thank you for your commitment to your practice, your teaching and your continued study. It is our intention to create the best possible environment for each participant to thrive, feel supported and get the most out of our time together.
- Punctuality: Yogamaya has a firm "be on time" policy for all sessions. Late entry to training sessions will not be permitted except in special emergency cases.
- Homework: Complete all assignments in a timely manner.
- Preparedness: Show up prepared and ready to contribute to the group experience.
- Attendance: Attendance is required for all scheduled hours in order to maintain enrollment in our Training Program and receive a certification. Any hours that you know you must miss prior to submitting your application must be disclosed in your application to be considered for pre-approval. Missed hours/days due to unforeseen emergencies may be able to be made up, subject to certain requirements. We handle these requests on an individual basis. Due to the nature of the training, even in the case of unforeseen emergencies, multiple absences and missed homework will result in an automatic, voluntary withdrawal from the training without any refund.
- Missed hours: There are no refunds for missed training sessions. If it is agreed that you will make up the hours you missed due to a pre-approved reason or unexpected emergency, you will be responsible to make up the time at your own expense. Private sessions start at $175/hr for one on one sessions and are about 90min per missed topic depending on the length of the session missed and the subject covered. The number of hours to be made up, the appropriate teacher, and any make-up assignments is determined by the lead teachers. Makeup sessions/assignments must be made up prior to the next training session and homework completed on time.
- The following will be considered your automatic voluntary withdrawal:
- a) Missing any scheduled session without prior approval before the session start time
- b) More than total 5 missed days of the training)
- c) Not making up missed training hours within the stated time frame
- d) Not completing homework within the stated time frame
- Classroom Etiquette:
- a) No cell phone usage in the practice room or during session times.
- b) No eating in the practice rooms or on camera during Zoom calls (turn video off).
- c) No laying down during sessions.
- d) Always show respect to fellow students and presenters at all times: no gossip, no excessive talking, no interrupting the teacher or each other, and no negative or aggressive commentary in the Zoom chat.
- There is a level of appropriate behavior that is essential and expected to maintain a sacred learning environment during our Yoga Training. In the event that there is any student whose behavior has a negative impact on the group, we will attempt to work with that student to improve the situation, but ultimately reserve the right to refuse them continuation in the program at any time. Additionally, please note that Yogamaya observes a strict zero-tolerance policy for harassment, intimidation, and hostile or offensive treatment of our students, teachers, and staff.
- In the event that a student voluntarily withdraws or is refused continuation of the program for any reason, there will be no refunds made and the individual will be charged the balance of their payment plan upon withdrawal/unenrollment.