Our Wisdom Module focuses on the Upanisads & Biomechanics – the esoteric and practical, the macrocosm and the microcosm.
Carve out 6 days of deep study, mind-opening ideas, and mind-blowing expansion. Uncover the wisdom of the Upanishads with Professor Edwin Bryant and four days of Biomechanics and critical thinking with Jules Mitchell.
Focus of Study:
UPANISADS w/ Edwin Bryant- The Upanisads are the earliest source Vedic texts wherein can be found the roots of all later Hinduism. It is in these texts that we find notions such as yoga, karma, moksa, åtman, reincarnation, and bhakti etc., first expressed. All later Hindu schools of yoga trace their origins back to the Upanisads, so they stand as the foundation of all traditional Hindu spirituality.
This workshop will engage the most famous and oft quoted selections from the primary Upanisads. We will find the earliest seeds of Indian philosophy in these texts, as well as beautiful metaphorically delivered expressions of the spiritual quest. We will use Patrick Olivelle’s translation (Oxford University Press) of the Upanisads; selections will be provided for those who do not wish to purchase the text.
BIOMECHANICS w/ Jules Mitchell- Do you have an insatiable curiosity about how the body works? Are you unsatisfied by anatomical explanations that seem contradictory, unnecessarily complicated, or oversimplified? Put an end to all the conflicting messages and just get the facts. Jules combines her love of research and her top-notch teaching skills to help you make sense of it all and empower you to think critically and become a natural problem solver.
Your Guides
Professor Edwin Bryant & Jules Mitchell
Schedule 2025
MARCH 8-9 SAT/SUN The Upanishads w/ Edwin Bryant
Saturday: 3:15pm-8pm
Sunday: 3:15pm-8pm
MARCH 27-30 THURS-SUN Biomechanics and Yoga w/ Jules Mitchell
Thursday/Friday: 9:30am-12pm and 2-4pm
Saturday/Sunday 2-7pm
*Please note: This training will be done in-studio/in-person. However, it is possible to join the first weekend portion of this training remotely through a live-stream. In the case there are Covid restrictions or other unforeseen concerns, the in-person portion of this training will shift to online. In the case of shifting to online, there will be is no change in the training schedule, no change in the training cost, no refunds, and no transferring to a different training. All contracts, agreements and tuition payments will continue unchanged.
*Please note: Space is limited in our yoga teacher training. An application is only needed one time for any of our 300hr Modules. Payment is due directly after application or to register. Please do not apply unless you are committed to doing this training and ready to make your payment upon application submission. As outlined in the student and tuition agreement, there will be no refunds, no training transfers, or other options.
$500 by Feb 1st, $600 after.
Is This Training for You?
This Module is open to anybody who is deeply interested wisdom – wisdom from ancient texts and the most cutting edge Biomechanics research. If you love to learn, sign up!
As a 200hr trained teacher, upon completion of four 300-Hr Modules, you will be able to register as a 500-hr RYT with Yoga Alliance through Yogamaya.
Module Three Course includes:
* All scheduled sessions of Module 3
We hope you will join us.
For any questions, please email: Bryn